woman looking at the map


What does traveling mean to you? Does it mean going to far away destinations or just to a state park? To me, it’s both! I love exploring the wild and wonderful state of West Virginia in which I live. I’ve lived here for thirty-five years and have still not seen everything there is to see. But West Virginia is a comfort zone for me. I know what most people are like here and I know what to expect. I can get myself home easily without GPS or a map because I know where home is in conjunction with other places within the state.

What really excites me, is getting out of my comfort zone. Yes, I’m scared to death. My heart is pounding, and my palms are sweaty, but it helps me discover myself, who I am, who I want to be, and what I want out of life. I know that sounds pretty philosophical but that’s what traveling does for me. It forces me to take the initiative when I would typically let someone else take the lead. It allows me to meet new people and see different cultures. It helps me see past my insecurities, to let loose, and see the beauty in all God has created. I also love how it gives me the ability to give my son teachable moments, whether it be something linked to geography, science, or math; or whether it be a way to teach him to be observant, aware, and smart with money. There are so many good things about traveling that can just be hard to find reading a book or a sitting through a class. Those things are good, but they just don’t always cut it.

death valley, desert, highway

Find out what excites you in life, whether it’s travel or not. Live your life to the fullest and do what makes your heart happy!

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